Sabtu, 10 Maret 2012

Powerful ways against Flu

1. Healthy with HoneyRoyal jelly has long been regarded as a longevity drug that increases energy, virility, and immunity. Rich in vitamins and collagen, protein
the antibacterial substance, dubbed royalisin assessed effectively kill certain bacteria, including streptococcus and staphylococcus.

2. Treat Your Body Right
* Sleep for at least 7 hours every night. Studies show that the function of your immune system is down an average of 60% after only three nights of sleep deprivation.

* Keep stress levels low with meditation, tai chi, or yoga.

* Bask in the morning can activate the lymphatic circulation is important to clean up toxic substances and stimulate immunity.

3. Herbs for immunityUse this herb to help strengthen your immune system:
* Ligustrum has been tested to improve the experience of immune function. Potion of lugustrum shown to increase the production of white blood cells,
phagocytosis, and lymphocyte T-cell help activity.
* Cherokee Rose is traditionally used to protect the body from external pathogens with its astringent properties. It is also one of the natural resource
The highest producer of vitamin C.
* Honeysuckle is a natural anti-microbial herb that has been used for centuries to increase the resistance and fight against bacteria, viruses, and
fungal infections.

4. Mushroom soup for immunityMake soup contains shitake mushrooms, any kind of seaweed, cabbage, every type of pumpkin, carrots, fresh ginger, oregano, and onion. Shiitake mushrooms contain
polysaccharides, sterols, and coumarin, as well as vitamins and minerals that increase your immune function. Seaweed cleanses the body, cabbage has
ability to enhance the body's ability to fight infection, ginger supports healthy digestion, and the remaining ingredients promote general health and
well-being. Eat this soup every day to build a healthy immune system.

5. Chestnuts bolster immunityIn Asia and the Mediterranean region, chestnuts have been popular for centuries. Chestnut is different from other beans with low fat content and fiber
high. A mild, sweet taste and a crumbly consistency is an excellent source of potassium, folate, vitamins B6 and C.
Chestnut strengthen the kidney-adrenal system and strengthen the immune system to fight the flu and fight infections.To prevent the flu, you can mix into the cooking chestnuts. Can also be baked in the oven, cooked with chicken, lamb, beef, or in any
dish with beans and legumes.

6. Antioxidants in Beta CaroteneBeta-carotene is a powerful antioxidant that improves immune function and improve the health of mucous membranes. In fact, studies conducted in 1997
by the Institute of Food Research in the United Kingdom suggested that the intake of beta-carotene can enhance cell-mediated immune responses. How
beta-carotene to prevent getting the flu by eating more orange-colored vegetables, including carrots, butternut squash, pumpkin, sweet potatoes
potatoes, and yams. In addition, all content contained in vegetables is believed to contain Vitamin C, known to confer immunity.

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