Sabtu, 28 Januari 2012

benefits of Spinach

For those of you who like SPINACH, identify what is contained hal2therein, from harvest to be cooked so that it can presentit is TRUE:
1. SPINACH contain iron in the form of Fe2 + (ferrous) <udeh know right?2. If he is too long in contact with O2 (Oxygen),3. Fe2 + is oxidized to Fe3 + (ferric).4. Although both iron, which is useful for us is ferrous.5. While Ferri is TOXID on SPINACH.6. SO .. If spinach is heated, it will apply these oxidation.7. I used to wonder why my mother always prohibit SPINACH VEGETABLE heat.8. He still could jelasin scientifically ga so, but always said"SPINACH VEGETABLE", kalu blom not be heated up again!9. SPINACH Never consume more than 5 hours.10. You see, in addition to containing substances that disebutin earlier, the SPINACHalso contain nitrate (NO3).11. When oxidized with air, it will be NO2 (Nitrite).12. Nitrite is a compound that is colorless, odorless andare toxic to the human body.13. According to John S Wishnok, SPINACH freshly removed frompersemaiannya nitrite containing compounds have approximately 5 mg / kg.14. When SPINACH stored in the refrigerator for 2 weeks, levels of nitritewill be increased to 300 mg / kg.15. In other words, within one day of storage, compound nitrite willincreased by 21 mg / kg (7%).16. Toxic effect (toxic) induced by nitric beginsof nitrite oxidation reaction with the iron in red blood cells,precisely in the hemoglobin (Hb).17. There may be a blum know that one of the tasks of hemoglobinis the binding of oxygen to be distributed to all organs of the body.18. Nitrite bond with hemoglobin, called methemoglobin,resulting hemoglobin is not able to bind oxygen.19. If the amount of methemoglobin reached more than 15% of total hemoglobin,20. There will be a condition called cyanosis, which is acircumstances where the whole body tissue of oxygen deficiency.21. If this occurs in infants known as "Blue Baby".
Other toxic effects is the ability to react with nitric AMINOSECONDARY retrievable form a compound of interchangeable causes CANCER! DO NOTSPINACH aluminum cooking pot pake ya ..... because can reactwith IRON I had inside SPINACH and ..... so POISON.
Consuming SPINACH TIPS: Choose SPINACH new-learned and stillfresh. Should be processed immediately after obtaining fresh SPINACH. DO NOTdilemari ice stored for too long.
DO NOT ...... because its content is very LARGE NUTRITION BANGET aka TOP.Even called a KING OF SPINACH vegetables, but enoughknowing and ELEMENTS NATURE. SPINACH of itself can makeSPINACH vegetables into delicious, let alone wear plus lemon fish sauceJambal salty.

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