Senin, 30 Januari 2012

How to Overcome Headache

If you frequently suffer from headaches, you may need to make lifestyle changes including diet, rest patterns, and doing lots of exercise. Try switching to a healthy diet by eating more fruits and vegetables for the vitamins and minerals in the body met. Do not forget to exercise regularly to build up fitness.
Whatever type of headache you are experiencing, can be muted with a healthy lifestyle. If you have a headache due to weather allergies, stress or lack of sleep, here are some solutions to help you deal with a headache:
Naps: Naps can relieve headaches. However, be careful not to sleep too long because it can aggravate headaches. Simply 15-30 minutes can help relieve your headache.

The breathing exercises: Take a deep breath slowly. Inhale and slowly wasting breath. This helps to make you get the oxygen and relieve discomfort associated with headaches.
Head massage: Massage known to be effective in curing headaches. Perform massage gently with fingertips in a circular motion. Press gently on your forehead also use your fingers.
Aromatherapy: Inhaling the smell of some aromatic oils can not only reduce the headaches but also improve your mood. Essential oils of lavender, ylang ylang, sandalwood, and vanilla beneficial in calming the mind and eliminate stress.

Sabtu, 28 Januari 2012

benefits of Spinach

For those of you who like SPINACH, identify what is contained hal2therein, from harvest to be cooked so that it can presentit is TRUE:
1. SPINACH contain iron in the form of Fe2 + (ferrous) <udeh know right?2. If he is too long in contact with O2 (Oxygen),3. Fe2 + is oxidized to Fe3 + (ferric).4. Although both iron, which is useful for us is ferrous.5. While Ferri is TOXID on SPINACH.6. SO .. If spinach is heated, it will apply these oxidation.7. I used to wonder why my mother always prohibit SPINACH VEGETABLE heat.8. He still could jelasin scientifically ga so, but always said"SPINACH VEGETABLE", kalu blom not be heated up again!9. SPINACH Never consume more than 5 hours.10. You see, in addition to containing substances that disebutin earlier, the SPINACHalso contain nitrate (NO3).11. When oxidized with air, it will be NO2 (Nitrite).12. Nitrite is a compound that is colorless, odorless andare toxic to the human body.13. According to John S Wishnok, SPINACH freshly removed frompersemaiannya nitrite containing compounds have approximately 5 mg / kg.14. When SPINACH stored in the refrigerator for 2 weeks, levels of nitritewill be increased to 300 mg / kg.15. In other words, within one day of storage, compound nitrite willincreased by 21 mg / kg (7%).16. Toxic effect (toxic) induced by nitric beginsof nitrite oxidation reaction with the iron in red blood cells,precisely in the hemoglobin (Hb).17. There may be a blum know that one of the tasks of hemoglobinis the binding of oxygen to be distributed to all organs of the body.18. Nitrite bond with hemoglobin, called methemoglobin,resulting hemoglobin is not able to bind oxygen.19. If the amount of methemoglobin reached more than 15% of total hemoglobin,20. There will be a condition called cyanosis, which is acircumstances where the whole body tissue of oxygen deficiency.21. If this occurs in infants known as "Blue Baby".
Other toxic effects is the ability to react with nitric AMINOSECONDARY retrievable form a compound of interchangeable causes CANCER! DO NOTSPINACH aluminum cooking pot pake ya ..... because can reactwith IRON I had inside SPINACH and ..... so POISON.
Consuming SPINACH TIPS: Choose SPINACH new-learned and stillfresh. Should be processed immediately after obtaining fresh SPINACH. DO NOTdilemari ice stored for too long.
DO NOT ...... because its content is very LARGE NUTRITION BANGET aka TOP.Even called a KING OF SPINACH vegetables, but enoughknowing and ELEMENTS NATURE. SPINACH of itself can makeSPINACH vegetables into delicious, let alone wear plus lemon fish sauceJambal salty.

Rabu, 25 Januari 2012

Danger about Dehydration

A total of 46.1% from 1200 adolescents and adults in low-and high plains of mild dehydration, according to research from The Indonesian Regional Hydration Study (Thirst) in 2009. Thirst is a collaborative research 3 universities in Indonesia, namely the Faculty of Human Ecology, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), College of Public Health University Press (UNAIR), as well as the Graduate School of Public Health University of Hasanudin (UNHAS), which examined the level of dehydration of the Indonesian society grouped in two ecological, lowlands and highlands. From the research that takes a sample of 1200 people at four locations in Indonesia, namely Jakarta, West Java, East Java and South Sulawesi and is divided into two groups of lowland ecology (Jakarta, Surabaya and Makassar) and plateau (Lembang, Malang , and Malino), found that 46.1% of the population had mild dehydration and adolescents have a high amount (49.5%) than adults (42.5%) who experienced mild dehydration. The main cause of this problem is their lack of knowledge about the function of the body of water, drinking water, drinking water for health benefits, and access to drinking water. From adult research subjects have a better knowledge of youth. Prof. Dr. Ir. Hardinsyah, MS, from Bogor Agricultural University who became head of research said, "Water is actually a part of and equally important nutrients, like carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals. But this is often forgotten. Lack of water intake can cause interference the physical. " Drinking water needs vary depending on age, gender, and activity. Total water demand of the body is 1 milliliter / kcal of energy our body needs. With the energy needs of adolescents and adults between 1800-3000 kcal, then the body's water needs for youth and adults ranged from 1.8 to 3.0 liters / day. Because about 1 / 3 the body of water consumption derived from food (invisible water) then the water consumption of drinks about 2 liters / day. But without realizing it, it turns out we often lack of drinking water, whereas the Indonesian population living in the tropics, water is a very important requirement. Dehydration can lead to disturbances in brain function such as concentration and thinking skills in addition to the physical stamina and reduce workplace productivity through disturbance headache, lethargy, weakness, seizures unconscious. In the long term dehydration can cause urinary tract infection (UTI-Urinary Track Infection) and the occurrence of kidney stones.

Rabu, 11 Januari 2012

This is due to sleep with the lights on

This is due to sleep with the lights on ...

Children who sleep with the lights at risk of developing leukemia.

The scientists found that the body needs in a dark atmosphere produce chemicals to fight cancer. Even when the lights on the toilet, sleep tonight, recreation across time zones, street lamps can stop the production of melatonin substances.

The body requires chemicals to prevent damage to DNA and the absence of melatonin, a substance that will stop the fatty acids into the tumor and prevent its growth.

Prof. Russle Reiter from Texas University who led the study said "Once you are asleep and do not turn off the lights for 1 minute. Your brain immediately detects that the light is on all day and the production of melatonin decreases substance ".

The number of children with leukemia rose to double in the next 40 years. Around 500 young people under 15 years at diagnosis suffering from this disease annually and about 100 people died.

A conference on children with leukemia was held in London suggests that people suffering from cancer due to prolonged use lights at night sleep time compared with that never wear light bedtime.

This suppresses the production of melatonin which normally occurs between the hours of 9 pm s / d at 8 am. Previous research has shown that people who are most susceptible are shift workers who are at risk of developing breast cancer.

In fact, blind people are not susceptible to melatonin have a lower risk of cancer. So the parents are advised to use light bulbs that dim red or yellow if the children afraid of the dark.

Selasa, 10 Januari 2012

the true about Osteoporosis

We often hear of the issues that are not
responsibility, which states one of the causes of Osteoporosis is
of the habit of consuming soft drinks and drinks stamina / energy drinks. Also mentioned as well
that the body's calcium will be absorbed by materials (ingredients)
contained in instant beverages. Really? Let us examine more
Osteoporosis disease or
Bone fragility (KT) can occur in both men and women. However, the risk of
osteoporosis in women is higher due to menopause (> 45
years), the time when a decline in levels of the hormone estrogen in the body
(Stops menstrual period). While osteoporosis occurs in men in old age (
> 70 years). It is estimated that 1 in 3 women and 1 in 12 men over the age of 50
year worldwide have osteoporosis. In the early stages of osteoporosis
no obvious symptoms, we can suspect if there is pain in the
lower back, there is shortening of height, body increasingly
To determine the early occurrence of osteoporosis, can be used
several tests such as: Measurement of bone mass density (Bone Mineral
Density / BMD) with a Densitometer. Laboratory examination by measuring
biochemical markers to determine the balance of formation and destruction
the bone. Osteoporosis can be prevented by consuming high calcium nutrient
and physical activity with the load.
What sort of things that can eliminate calcium?
vitamin D. As is known, Vitamin D is needed for the absorption
calcium in the intestine. Therefore, it must be ensured that our bodies do not lack
intake of vitamin
Of sodium.
A diet high in sodium increases loss of calcium and minerals
lain.Sebuah study suggested that any excess intake of two grams
sodium will reduce the absorption of about 30-40 mg of calcium.
Of treatment.
A number of treatments for asthma, and rheumatic heart is known to
affect the absorption of calcium. To that end, always consult with a
physician or health care professional before using medications that can
interfere with the absorption kalsium.Gaya
life is not good. Smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages is
disadvantage in relation to osteoporosis. Research has shown that
smoking accelerates bone loss and the contribution of the reduced
ability of calcium absorption. In the meantime, drink alcoholic beverages
can damage bone mass thereby increasing the risk of fracture tulang.Konsumsi
excessive soda and caffeine can also interfere with calcium absorption.
Caffeine is contained in some soft drinks are usually
contains about 10 to 50 milligrams of caffeine per serving. Caffeine
on these types of drinks can be derived from the drink ingredients
own ataunya of additive materials obtained from dekafeinasi process. Guarana, the main ingredient the manufacture of beverages
energy, contains large amounts of Theobromine and caffeine with a number of small teofilina. Lifestyle
is not active. Those with less or never exercise,
especially physical activities that support weight loss, and lack of intake
calcium are at risk of loss of calcium from bone.
So it can be concluded
that soft drinks and drinks
stamina / energy drinks is not the major cause of disease Osteoporosis.
Since Osteoporosis is caused by the age factor that continues to grow and
bone's ability to absorb calcium is reduced because the less
hormone produced by the body. Although one of the factors that influence
calcium absorption is the consumption of soda and caffeine, which occurs
in instant drinks, but this substance has no effect because the percentage
soda and caffeine content was small. Osteoporosis is not going to threaten us
if we consume soda and beverages containing caffeine in accordance with
prompts and implement a healthy lifestyle.
(Source: booklet
"Understanding Osteoporosis", Novell Pharmaceutical Laboratories).

Kamis, 05 Januari 2012

Tips for choosing a cooking oil

In the process of frying, the oil serves as an introductory medium heat, savory flavor enhancer, nutritional value and calories for fried foods. Smart to choose the type of cooking oil used for food processing is one of the things that determine health. So that no one chose, let's get acquainted with different types of cooking oil.

Based on the presence or absence of double bonds in their molecular structure, the oil can be divided into three groups, namely:

(1) oil with saturated fatty acids (saturated fatty acids)

Saturated fatty acids, among others, present in breast milk (lauric acid) and coconut oil. Its stable and not easily react / change into other types of fatty acids.

(2) oil with monounsaturated fatty acids (mono-unsaturated fatty acids / MUFA) or multiple (poly-unsaturated fatty acids).

Unsaturated fatty acids having double bond carbon atoms are easy to decompose and react with other compounds, to obtain a stable composition of saturated fatty acids. The more the number of double bonds (poly-unsaturated), the easier it is to react / change the oil.

(3) oils with trans fatty acids (trans fatty acids)

Trans fatty acids found in many animal fats, margarine, butter, hydrogenated oils, and is formed from the frying process. In addition to carcinogenic, trans fats raise levels of bad cholesterol, lowers good cholesterol, and cause babies born prematurely.

Unsaturated fatty acids (omega 3, omega 6, omega 9) is often promoted has many benefits, including lowering "bad cholesterol" (LDL = low density lipoprotein) cholesterol and prevent heart attacks. Found in many vegetable oils such as soybean oil, canola oil, sunflower oil, palm oil, and others.

However, deep frying with a frying system, which is generally used by the people of Indonesia, and also the repeated use of cooking oil, would alter unsaturated fatty acids into trans fatty acids, which can increase bad cholesterol and lowers good cholesterol.

In addition, excessive heating will convert unsaturated fatty acids into clusters peroxides and free radicals that can cause cancer. Because of that, get used to fry with the temperature not too high.

Type of oil is also best avoided or used cooking oil that has been used repeatedly. This oil is more viscous, having a high free fatty acids, and blackish brown. Several studies in experimental animals showed repeated use of the oil carcinogenic and can cause symptoms of various diseases.

In addition, there are three types of fatty acids based on the length of the fatty acid chain, namely a long chain (long chain trigliseride / LCT), medium chain (medium chain trigliseride / MCT), and short chain (short chain trigliseride / SCT).

Oil with short carbon chains and are able to be directly absorbed by the body without going through the digestive process convoluted. Taken directly to the liver to be converted into energy to improve the functioning of the endocrine glands, organs and body tissues.

Vegetable oils are generally classified as long-chain fatty acids (long chain fatty acids = LCFA), which consists of 18 carbon atoms or more. Large molecular size, so it needs to be processed first into small fatty acids and free fatty acid form that can be absorbed through the intestinal wall.

Having escaped from the bowel wall, free fatty acids are reassembled into lipoproteins was then taken to heart. There is converted into energy, cholesterol, and the rest deposited into fatty tissue. Well, cholesterol and fat that is the cause of many chronic diseases, degenerative, or cancer.

According to research, most of its content of LCFA is safflower oil (78%), followed by sunflower oil (69%), and canola oil (31%). LCFA content of olive oil ranges from 9%, while the lowest is coconut oil (2%).

Oil is good for health is containing MUFA and MCT. Olive oil would be better and can protect the heart (due to lower total cholesterol, triglycerides and cholesterol, "bad" or LDL) cholesterol when used as vegetable oil, not fried.

Vegetable cooking oil is being classified as PUFA and LCT would be better if used for sauteing, not frying at high temperature. If you still want to fry with a high temperature, it is best to use coconut oil or palm kernel oil.

Senin, 02 Januari 2012

Dangers of plastic containers

Plastic is a material made from chemicals called monomers and plasticizer, the two substances are melted in a very hot temperature, and then pressed in such a manner appropriate to the desired shape and then dididinginkan back.
The form is to be accommodating, airtight, protect, give identity to the food, helping consumers in selling products, as media campaigns, efficient, made from plastic containers into an irreplaceable medium for humans, including accommodate food.
Dr. Yadi Haryadi, food expert from Bogor Agricultural University, the talk show as a container-Friendly Plastics for Health and Environment said that, its function can protect the body from dust, contamination from microorganisms protect, protect from the influence of oxygen, air tight, and protect from the influence light makes the plastic functions as the object of desire to help store food.
However, unfortunately, in certain conditions and circumstances, the plastic can be harmful to the body. In relation to food storage (as a container or packaging), there is a plastic that is safe to store food, there is not.
Food safe plastic called a food contact materials. Dr. Yadi said that, all objects that intersect the surface or in contact with food (food contact materials) can cause health problems. Examples of food contact materials: cutting boards, cooking utensils, dishes, and the packing / accommodate / store food, and others.
If there is contact between the plastic with a packaged food, displacement may occur earlier chemicals into food. This phenomenon is called migration, explained Dr. Yadi. If the chemicals had entered into the system the human body, it can trigger some diseases, like cancer.
But not all plastics pose a hazard, there are also other types of plastic that is relatively safe, such as those made of polyethylene terepthalate (PET), high density polyethylene (HDPE), low density polyethylene (LDPE) and polypropylene (PP). Then, how do we know that the container or packaging that we use for food is safe or not to store food?
Dr. Yadi explains that one way is easy to recognize that the product is safe for food is to check whether the product has a safe for food, or so-called safe food or food grade. There are symbols that represent a sign that the plastic is safe for contact with the material, for example, the symbol of Europe, a silhouette of a glass and fork, or food grade paper, or paper approved by the FDA, or trademarks that have been patented, there is a TM symbol ( trade mark) or R (Registered).
Dr. Yadi share tips on buying a plastic container that is guaranteed safe;
1. If available in the stores visited, choose a container / packaging of the brands that are well known and trusted.
2. Believe that the brand purchased is genuine, not artificial. If necessary, buy from the representative / authorized dealers.
3. Do not be tempted by cheap prices. Expensive little minimize health risks and safety of the family is better than sorry.
4. When there are instructions on the use containers, follow these instructions consistently.
Many plastics are circulating outside the used arbitrarily without knowing that the plastic can contaminate foods are sold. Black plastic (plastic crackle) is often used as a tool to store and distribute food by hawkers, because they are cheap, easily obtainable, and lightweight, this plastic food storage containers made to bloom, but it is not safe for food. Be careful typing buy food out there. At the same event, Shahnaz Haque, presenters, give tips, that if he would buy food without packaging, for example, beef or fish that is not packaged by nature, she will usually bring their own containers to ensure safe use of plastic chemicals, also does not spill.
In addition, Dr. Yadi is also advised that children be given the knowledge to not snack at random, because parents are not always able to oversee food and containers used to eat children. Do not also buy hot oily liquid foods (eg meat balls) wrapped in plastic and then consumed later. Migration of chemicals triggered by heat, acid, oil, and contact with food in a long time. Also avoid buying fried foods are distributed in a black plastic bag.