Selasa, 10 Januari 2012

the true about Osteoporosis

We often hear of the issues that are not
responsibility, which states one of the causes of Osteoporosis is
of the habit of consuming soft drinks and drinks stamina / energy drinks. Also mentioned as well
that the body's calcium will be absorbed by materials (ingredients)
contained in instant beverages. Really? Let us examine more
Osteoporosis disease or
Bone fragility (KT) can occur in both men and women. However, the risk of
osteoporosis in women is higher due to menopause (> 45
years), the time when a decline in levels of the hormone estrogen in the body
(Stops menstrual period). While osteoporosis occurs in men in old age (
> 70 years). It is estimated that 1 in 3 women and 1 in 12 men over the age of 50
year worldwide have osteoporosis. In the early stages of osteoporosis
no obvious symptoms, we can suspect if there is pain in the
lower back, there is shortening of height, body increasingly
To determine the early occurrence of osteoporosis, can be used
several tests such as: Measurement of bone mass density (Bone Mineral
Density / BMD) with a Densitometer. Laboratory examination by measuring
biochemical markers to determine the balance of formation and destruction
the bone. Osteoporosis can be prevented by consuming high calcium nutrient
and physical activity with the load.
What sort of things that can eliminate calcium?
vitamin D. As is known, Vitamin D is needed for the absorption
calcium in the intestine. Therefore, it must be ensured that our bodies do not lack
intake of vitamin
Of sodium.
A diet high in sodium increases loss of calcium and minerals
lain.Sebuah study suggested that any excess intake of two grams
sodium will reduce the absorption of about 30-40 mg of calcium.
Of treatment.
A number of treatments for asthma, and rheumatic heart is known to
affect the absorption of calcium. To that end, always consult with a
physician or health care professional before using medications that can
interfere with the absorption kalsium.Gaya
life is not good. Smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages is
disadvantage in relation to osteoporosis. Research has shown that
smoking accelerates bone loss and the contribution of the reduced
ability of calcium absorption. In the meantime, drink alcoholic beverages
can damage bone mass thereby increasing the risk of fracture tulang.Konsumsi
excessive soda and caffeine can also interfere with calcium absorption.
Caffeine is contained in some soft drinks are usually
contains about 10 to 50 milligrams of caffeine per serving. Caffeine
on these types of drinks can be derived from the drink ingredients
own ataunya of additive materials obtained from dekafeinasi process. Guarana, the main ingredient the manufacture of beverages
energy, contains large amounts of Theobromine and caffeine with a number of small teofilina. Lifestyle
is not active. Those with less or never exercise,
especially physical activities that support weight loss, and lack of intake
calcium are at risk of loss of calcium from bone.
So it can be concluded
that soft drinks and drinks
stamina / energy drinks is not the major cause of disease Osteoporosis.
Since Osteoporosis is caused by the age factor that continues to grow and
bone's ability to absorb calcium is reduced because the less
hormone produced by the body. Although one of the factors that influence
calcium absorption is the consumption of soda and caffeine, which occurs
in instant drinks, but this substance has no effect because the percentage
soda and caffeine content was small. Osteoporosis is not going to threaten us
if we consume soda and beverages containing caffeine in accordance with
prompts and implement a healthy lifestyle.
(Source: booklet
"Understanding Osteoporosis", Novell Pharmaceutical Laboratories).

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